35 goals before turning 35.

These are what are called 35 by 35 goals. This is because these are a list of 35 goals that I have always wanted to achieve before I turn 35 years old. The goals that are listed here have been thought about for a very long time. So these are goals that I have always wanted to do but never had the time to actually achieve. Hopefully, before I reach the age of 35, I should be able to achieve some of the goals that I have listed here. You will be able to follow any of the latest information about achieving my goals through my blog posts.

  1. Learn to use a DSLR camera by taking a photography class. I want to be able to actually learn how to take professional grade photographs using my DLSR.
  2. Create so bread completely at home. One of my goals is to be able to actually bake bread in the kitchen that I have at home.
  3. Read a set amount of books before I turn 35. And those books had better be for enjoyment purposes as well.
  4. Actually, learn to play specific chords on the guitar. These chords that need to be learned have got to start at F.
  5. Be part of the Portland’s Singing Christmas Tree choir. And I want to sing with them live whenever they have another live singing event.
  6. Give birth to another baby or more. I want to become a mother of more children.
  7. Go on a cruise vacation alone or with someone that I know.
  8. Visit Disneyland in Florida with one of my best friends, Jenny!
  9. Visit New York with Jenny, my best friend, to try and see one of the live Broadway musical shows there.
  10. Learn how to use and shoot a real gun.
  11. Build my own bed to sleep on.
  12. Add some new wallpaper to one of the rooms of my home.
  13. Become a better gardener, and have a healthy and thriving garden in my own home.
  14. Train my horse so that it gets into better shape.
  15. Found a school for pre-school aged children.
  16. Decorate and color a piece of furniture that I have bought or constructed myself.
  17. Learn how to paint on canvas.
  18. Produce my own homemade jams with fruits that I have picked myself.
  19. Visit Hawaii again, with my Husband. Specifically, we want to go back to Kauai.
  20. Update this blog more regularly than before.
  21. Continue to nurture my faith by reading the Bible every day of the week,
  22. Become a passenger in an actual hot air balloon.
  23. Cook and eat more delicious and healthy homemade soup.
  24. Zip line across a forest canopy.
  25. Meet Ree Drummond, a pioneer woman.
  26. Enter a contest on PW’s website and win something there.
  27. Attend a cooking class with my mother.
  28. Shed off my excess weight, specifically around 15 pounds.
  29. Do a good deed such as pay for someone’s meal at a restaurant.
  30. Try to enter a reality show with my sister as my partner.
  31. Visit a ski resort again.
  32. Teach my kids how to ski.
  33. Make a pie from scratch, including the crust.
  34. Take the train all the way to Seattle, alone!
  35. Go on a camping trip with my husband and kids in the future.